Spiders In Iowa (Infographic)
September 20, 2022
There are over 40 spiders found in Iowa. Most of them are harmless, with the exception of a couple. However, many people are often frightened by them because they don't know all the facts about spiders and they're unable to determine if the spider is venomous or not. Find out the differences between spiders found in Iowa.

10 Most Common Spiders in Iowa
Black and Yellow Garden Spider
As the name suggests, these spiders are identified by their black and yellow coloring. Females are 4 times larger than males and also display more dominant colors. Black and yellow garden spiders are found outside, typically in fields and gardens. They are most active during the daytime because they like sunny conditions with little to no wind.
Common House Spider
Common house spiders are common in houses, sheds, and garages. They typically weave their webs where two edges are adjoined. For example, webs can be found in ceiling and window corners. These spiders can be found anytime of the year, but they are not venomous. They are typically brown in color to camouflage themselves.
Fisher Spider
Fisher spiders are one of the most common spiders found in Iowa. They do not need to make webs to catch their prey. Fisher spiders have better eyesight than most spiders, which allows them to track down their prey and pounce on it after they have found it. Although the fisher spider is not venomous, this spider bites.
Woodlouse Hunting Spider
The woodlouse spider is easily identifiable with red legs and a white abdomen. This spider can be found in piles of logs, rocks, leaves, bricks and other outdoor settings where it hunts pillbugs and rollie pollies.
Grass Spiders
Grass spiders are found in grass and foliage. They get their name from their webs found in the grass. These webs are especially visible in the early morning when they are covered in dew. As the spider grows in size, so does its web. Common colors found on grass spiders are black, brown, tan, and gray.
Yellow Sac Spider
The yellow sac spider is commonly spotted outdoors and they catch their prey in a silken tube or sac. If you spot one, it will probably be yellow or light tan in color. Be careful if you try to catch it, the sac spider can inflict a painful spider bite, but it is not venomous.
Wolf Spider
Wolf spiders are found outside in habitats of tall grass and shrubs. The habitat provides an abundant supply of insects. Similar to the fisher spider, wolf spiders do not use webs to catch their prey. The wolf spider is can bite humans. Although it is a venomous spider, it is not lethal.
Funnel Weaver Spider
This species is usually brown or gray in color with a pattern on their abdomen. Funnel weaver spiders are named after the unique web they weave, which is mostly flat, but falls towards one side to form a “funnel”. They are typically found in places that are hardly ever disturbed like attics, window wells or low shrubs.
Cellar Spider
Commonly mistaken for daddy-longlegs, the cellar spider has long, delicate legs and a light gray or tan colored abdomen. As the name implies, they are commonly spotted in cellars, basements or other dark and secluded areas. Cellar spiders’ irregular webs can be found on ceilings or in floor corners.
Orb Weaver Spider
There are many varieties of orb weavers so it can be difficult to know exactly which species you’re dealing with. The nocturnal spiders are brown or gray in color, but orb weavers that are spotted during the day consist of bright colors like yellow or orange. They’re usually found outdoors in gardens and fields.
2 Most Dangerous Spiders in Iowa
Black Widow
The black widow is one of the few venomous spiders found in Iowa. Fortunately, they are rare. They are found in close distance to man-made structures. Black widows will mostly be found on outdoor objects that have not been used for a long period of time, such as playground equipment or gardening materials.
Brown Recluse
Brown recluse spiders have a brown and gray abdomen. These spiders are typically found outside in piles of loose debris. If the spiders make their way inside, they are found in clothing or towels left on floors. These spiders are not aggressive in nature, however they are venomous.
Other Spiders Found In Iowa
Arrow-Shaped Micrathena Spider
American House Spider
Banded Garden Spider
Bold Jumping Spider
Comb-Clawed Spider
Cross Spider
Ground Spider
Labyrinthine Orb Weaver Spider
Lattice Orb Weaver Spider
Lang-Jawed Orb Weaver
Long-Legged Sac Spider
Metallic Crab Spider
North American Jumping Spider
Nursery Web Spider
Parson Spider
Putnam Jumping Spider
Red Spotted Ant Mimic Spider
Running Crab Spider
Running Spider
Shamrock Spider
Sowbug Killer Spider
Spined Micrathena Spider
Spiny Backed Orb Weaver
Spotted Orb Weaver
Tan Jumping Spider
Thin-Legged Wolf Spider
Trashline Orb Weaver
Triangulate Cob Web Spider
Tuft-Legged Orb Weaver
Venusta Orchard Spider
Woodland Jumping Spider
Des Moines Spider Removal
Is your home or business getting invaded with spiders? Preferred Pest Control is the solution to your problem! Visit our spider service page to find out how we can help you eliminate spiders, give us a call at (515) 415-5550 or schedule an appointment today.
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