10 Facts About Spiders That Might Surprise You
December 22, 2020
Are spiders dangerous like most people think, or are they just another harmless critter? Spiders tend to get a bad reputation as terrifying, but you may be surprised to find that what most people believe about spiders is actually false. With over 40 different types of spider in Iowa, our local pest professionals would like to set the record straight and provide you with some fun and interesting facts about spiders. Here we will uncover the most common mistaken facts about spiders.
10 Fun Facts of Spiders You Need to Know
Spider Fact #1: While many fear spiders, they are vital to a healthy ecosystem because they eat harmful insects, pollinate plants and are a food source for many small mammals.
Spider Fact #2: There are around 38,000 species of spiders in the world, but scientists believe there are still just as many that haven’t even been discovered yet.
Spider Fact #3: Spiders are arachnids, not insects, because they only have two body segments as opposed to three.
Spider Fact #4: On average, spiders take about one hour to spin a web.
Spider Fact #5: Not all spiders spin webs, but all spiders spin silk. Spiders that form webs do so to catch their prey. However, about half of the known spider species actively hunt for their prey. These spiders use silk as a dragline that trails them as they travel, to form the egg sac, or to build a small retreat which they can rest in. But, they do not form true webs.
Spider Fact #6: When a spider travels it will have four legs on the ground and four legs off of the ground at all times.
Spider Fact #7: The majority of spider species live on land. However, there are a few, such as the raft spider, which live in or on water. You may even see them running on top of the water’s surface.
Spider Fact #8: While a spider’s muscles are able to pull its legs inward, the only way to extend their legs back out is by pumping a watery liquid through them. This is why we typically see a dead spider’s legs curled up
Spider Fact #9: Spiders have between two and six spinnerets at the back of their abdomen. Each one has hundreds of holes, all producing silk.
Spider Fact #10: When silk comes out of the spider’s spinneret it is initially a liquid, but it hardens as soon as it hits the air. Spiders can have up to seven types of silk glands, each creating a different type of silk. Different types include smooth, sticky, dry, or stretchy silk.
Our Expert Answers Your Common Questions All About Spiders
Why do spiders bite people?

Spiders will only bite humans if they feel their life is being threatened in some way. Many people who get an insect bite assume it's a spider, but it is very unlikely that spiders will bite humans, especially in the United States. To prove that spiders are not prone to biting, there was an interesting study performed in a Kansas home where more than 2,055 brown recluse spiders were caught over a six-month period, and 400 of them were large enough to administer envenomation in the people living there, yet, no one was bitten.
Are spiders dangerous?

Contrary to popular belief, spiders are not dangerous or aggressive. Unless an individual is bothering a spider or they feel their life is being threatened, spiders do not pay attention to humans. Additionally, if a spider does happen to bite a person, the likelihood of it causing any real harm is extremely low.
What do spiders eat?

The normal food source of a spider includes insects, other spiders and sometimes small animals. One of the main things that spiders do not eat, however, are plants. Although, in the last few years there has been a discovery of a rare "vegetarian" spider that mainly eats plant buds.
Do all spiders make webs?

No, not all spider species spin webs! Spider webs are created to help capture their prey, however, only about half of all spider species catch their prey with webs. The other half of spider species either wait for their prey to come to them or hunt and catch it themselves. Spiders that hunt for their prey include:
- Wolf spider
- Jumping spider
- Ground spider
- Sac spider
- Lynx spider and more!
When are spiders most common?

The summer season tends to be their prime, but spiders can be found from August until December. There is a peak in the summer months due to a few big spider species, such as orb weavers and house spiders, becoming mature around this time, but they can start to be seen inside as the weather cools down
Should you take a spider found indoors outside?

No, most spiders found in our homes have adapted to life indoors, and the odds of them surviving outdoors are very low. Many of us think we are being kind by taking spiders outside to the lawn or garden, but this can actually be worse for them.
Preferred Pest Control Performs Spider Services in Des Moines
Spiders tend to be terrifying to many individuals, and they can become a nuisance to homeowners and businesses. If you find yourself with a spider infestation on your hands, it’s important to make an appointment with a pest professional immediately! Preferred Pest knows all about spiders and can take care of your problem. For fast and efficient spider control, schedule an appointment online or call us at (515) 415-5550.
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